I will work closely with you to develop a fitness program based on your goals, interests, and needs. If there’s a particular type of exercise that interests you, such as Pilates, yoga, HIIT, Tabata, or boxing, I will tailor your fitness program to match that style of exercise as much as possible. I have worked with clients ranging from college athletes and former olympians to people who want an alternative to the gym, those seeking help achieving specific physical fitness goals, and busy parents and working adults who have trouble fitting exercise into their daily routine
Fitness Training
These fitness sessions are for those with physical issues that make exercising difficult. You may choose to spend these sessions directly or indirectly addressing those physical issues with corrective and functional exercises, and may also choose to include manual therapy in your program. The type of manual work you receive is based on your preferences, needs, and tolerance, and can include various soft tissue mobilization techniques such as deep tissue work and trigger point therapy, as well as manual stretching and traction. Examples of physical issues I have helped clients overcome include chronic lower back and neck pain, joint sprains, muscle strains, knee pain, shoulder impingement, uterine and bladder prolapse, bursitis and plantar fasciitis.